
Back Pain

Back Pain services offered in Bellevue and Seattle, WA and Honolulu, HI

Back Pain

Back pain can strike at any age, whether you stay active or spend too much time sitting. The best thing you can do for back pain is seek early treatment at Zen Attitude Acupuncture in Bellevue and Seattle, Washington and an office opening in Honolulu, Hawaii. Early treatment with the team’s natural, holistic therapies can stop the pain before it settles in and turns into a chronic condition. Call the nearest office today or book online to learn how integrative care like acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, and vitamin injections can ease your back pain. 

Back Pain Q & A

What causes back pain?

Back pain frequently occurs when you pull a muscle during athletics or common daily activities like lifting a heavy item. Car accidents and falls also commonly cause back pain. 

You can also develop back pain gradually as you repeat the same movements. Placing frequent stress on your lower back causes long-lasting inflammation and soft tissue injuries. 

The following degenerative conditions are the top culprits of chronic back pain:

  • Arthritis
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Bone spurs
  • Vertebral compression fractures
  • Slipped vertebrae

 Injuries and degenerative conditions often pinch the spinal nerves. 

What symptoms accompany back pain? 

Everyone has a different experience with back pain. The pain may come and go or turn into a constant problem. Some people describe their back pain as dull and aching; others have sharp, severe pain.

Pinched nerves add to your overall pain and cause tingling and pain running down your legs. Sciatica (a pinched sciatic nerve) causes sudden, excruciating pain shooting down one leg. 

Damaged nerves can also cause numbness and muscle weakness in your leg, leading to problems like difficulty lifting your foot when walking. 

How is back pain treated?

Zen Attitude Acupuncture provides integrative care, drawing from several natural alternatives to relieve your pain. You may be surprised to learn that their approach is considered the first line of treatment for back pain. 

Many people don’t realize that medication doesn’t help back pain. Even the American College of Physicians recommends treating back pain with alternative therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and stress reduction. 

Your Zen Attitude Acupuncture provider reviews your medical history, learns about your symptoms, and completes a physical exam. Then, they create a care plan that targets the cause of your back pain, improves your body’s natural healing ability, and supports your overall health.

Your treatment may include: 

  • Acupuncture
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Homeopathic injections
  • Vitamin injections
  • Life coaching

Life coaching helps you identify and change the possible causes of back pain, from posture, ergonomics, and daily habits you perform without thinking to stress and anxiety.

Healing back pain requires holistic care addressing your physical, lifestyle, and psychological health. You can depend on integrative care from the team at Zen Attitude Acupuncture. Call the nearest office or book online today.