
Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries services offered in Bellevue and Seattle, WA and Honolulu, HI

Sports Injuries

When you’re sidelined with a sports injury, the team of skilled providers at Zen Attitude Acupuncture offers holistic solutions that work with your body’s natural ability to heal. At their convenient offices in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington and Honolulu, Hawaii, you can relieve pain and get back on track faster with personalized care. To learn more about expert care for sports injuries, contact Zen Attitude Acupuncture by phone or online today.

Sports Injuries Q & A

What movements usually cause sports injuries?

Sports injuries can be caused by sudden trauma, like a collision, or they may result from long-term, repetitive use that gradually causes wear-and-tear. You can incur this type of injury from playing competitive sports, but also if you have an active hobby or a physically demanding job.

What is the process to begin sports injury treatment?

The Zen Attitude Acupuncture team first does a thorough evaluation to learn how you were injured and the extent of your injury. Once they have assessed how it is impacting your body, they craft a personalized treatment plan and go over any questions you may have.

What are natural solutions for sports injuries?

A great choice for addressing sports injuries is acupuncture, which promotes blood flow where you need it, circulating oxygen and nutrients to injured areas and speeding up your recovery.

The Zen Attitude Acupuncture team may recommend homeopathic or vitamin injections to promote tissue health and faster recovery. When injected, vitamins or nutrients absorb more quickly and have a greater impact than standard supplements. Your treatment plan may include:

Flare Ease

This shot utilizes lidocaine or procaine to address joint and muscle injuries. The primary benefits of Flare Ease include pain relief and reduced inflammation so your muscles and joints can heal properly.


Rejuvenate is a therapeutic injection with a bevy of perks, but most important to sports injuries is its ability to improve muscle control, soothe nerves, and provide antioxidant support.

B12 Booster

This essential vitamin is required for your body to build proteins and convert carbs and lipids to usable energy, which is vital for athletes.

Joint Jazz

Even among non-athletes, joints are susceptible to injury and natural wear-and-tear. Joint Jazz is formulated to fight inflammation, protect your cartilage from damage, and relieve joint pain.

Serenity Now

Sports injuries disrupt your routine, and forced inactivity can take a toll on your state of mind. Serenity Now may soothe stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability so you can keep positive and focus on healing.

Body Bliss

The Body Bliss injection is designed to reduce pain and inflammation without steroid injections, offering pain relief right off the bat and healthier tissue over time.

To pursue holistic care for sports injuries, call the nearest Zen Attitude Acupuncture office or book your appointment online today.